TWO charities supporting young people in Maldon struggling with mental health issues have received a total of £2,500 in funding.

Established in 1921, trustees of the Joseph Henry Unwin Sick Poor Fund are appointed by Maldon Town Council.

The fund is sustained through personal contributions by the trustees, fundraising events and, most recently, two generous donations from Maldon Rotary Club and Beeleigh Abbey Lodge of Maldon Masons.

Chairman Mark Heard presented a cheque for £1,250 to James Clarke, chief executive of Family Carers, based at Brickhouse Farm in Maldon.

The organisation has had a positive impact on the lives of unpaid carers for more than 30 years.

It helps young carers look after family members with a long-term illness, disability or mental health condition.

A second cheque for £1,250 was presented to Sandra Cole, community fundraiser for Kids Inspire, which offers a range of therapies providing mental health and emotional wellbeing support for children and young people from four years old to 21 years old.

This is through activities, therapeutic group work and family counselling, and the group has helped more than 50 Maldon families in the past year. 

Mr Heard said: “We are delighted with the generous donations we have received from Maldon Rotary and Beeleigh Abbey Lodge and it is being channelled right back into Maldon good causes and I thank them for all they do for our community.”