Sunday, March 16 come and enjoy the Trivia Quiz at 7.30pm. The charge is £1 per head, with a snack in the interval, and prizes include meal vouchers. Proceeds go to Village Hall funds.

Monday March 17. There are special promotions on Irish food and drink for St. Patrick's Day.


The speaker at the next meeting on March 25 will be Helen Hewitt talking to us about reflexology, and there may be a hands on demonstration!

The item to bring along for the shoebox appeal this month is a flannel or soap.


A whist drive was held in the village hall on the first Wednesday of March with four and quarter tables in play.

Mr A C Clark was MC.

First, with a score of 178 was Mrs Pearl Miles, and second equal, each with 172, were Mrs Daphne Allen and Mrs Joyce Parrott, consolation was Mrs Pat Burton.

The snowball was not won. Winners of other prizes were Mrs Gwen Kempen, Arthur Clark and Mrs Ann Matthams.