LAST week, Malcolm and Linda Pudney talked to us about the charity they support and work for, the Rainbow Romania Aid Group. Malcolm first visited the orphanages in Romania in 1998 and was horrified to see the conditions the children were living in.

A group of people then started fundraising to improve the plight of the orphans, and started sending shoe boxes full of presents. Over the past ten years, the conditions have improved beyond all recognition. and the children now each have a bunk bed instead of the iron cots they used to sleep in.

They also have interaction with other people, and from the photographs shown, look happy and healthy. They have installed washing machines, as everything used to be hand washed.

As Malcolm and Linda put it "they now have hope". It was a very heart rending and absorbing talk, and made us all realise just how lucky we are. Now, when we pack our shoeboxes in October, it will have a special meaning.


THE collection of green rubbish on the green at the top of Rectory Road has now commenced again every Saturday morning from 8.45 to 9.15, so get digging those gardens ready for the summer!


THE working party proved very successful with 18 Friends of St Michael's helping to clear the churchyard.

The area in front of the fence was cleared, and some tombs, which had been covered for some time in foliage.

Also the wrought iron gate at the back of churchyard has been taken away to be repaired. Iris's ham and cheese sandwiches and cake were very welcome.

The next working party is on Saturday March 8 at 10am and again any volunteers would be greatly appreciated.


A MILITARY whist drive was held in the Village Hall on the last Wednesday of February, with four-and-a-half tables in play. Mr A C Clark was MC.

For the first time ever, there was a triple-tie for first place, with each team winning 25 flags.

The teams were Mrs Joyce Parrott, Mrs Margaret Arrell, Mrs Daphne Allen and Ian Harvey; Mrs Pat Clark, Mrs Lorraine Bradley, Miss Rita Ellis and Basil Eves; and Mrs Hilda Enefer and Peter Enefer.

Winners of the other prizes were Peter Enefer and Mrs Sylvia Brown.