The Christmas festivities got off to an excellent start when the Carpet Bowls Club held their christmas dinner at the Blue Toad Restaurant, Latchingdon, on Saturday evening. A very enjoyable evening was had by all who participated.

The club will commence its 2008 bowls sessions on the afternoon of Friday January 4 and continue every Wednesday evening from January 9 in the Scout Hut, Lawling Playing Field, Katonia Avenue.

For details, phone Pat on 740476.


The Maylandsea School Bazaar raised £715. A big thank-you goes to everyone who came and helped to raise this fantastic amount.

Thank you also to all the staff and the committee members for giving up their time once again and also to everyone who donated raffle prizes.

Lastly, a very big thank-you to Father Christmas for making time to visit us in his grotto.


ST Barnabas Pre School had a very busy week. We started off with our leavers service on Tuesday, which was conducted by Bob Ruffy, our church warden. After singing our special song, he presented 19 children with certificates and books.We wish all these children a very happy time in Big School.

We then had our party on Wednesday, with Father Christmas giving every child a present, before games with the staff, lunch and entertainment with Papalarney.

A great time was had by all.

Thursday was our Nativity Play, with all the children taking part and singing with gusto. As well as the Nativity, the children spelled out Christmas with words in rhyme and the children wore great costumes.

Well done to all the youngsters and to the staff for coaxing them to perform.

Our raffle was drawn and raised £62. All the prizes have been collected.

Thank you to everyone for their donations, in particular Cut and Dried.

We said goodbye to Vicky Fleuty who has moved on to pastures new. Thank you for all your hard work, Vicky, and good luck.

We return on January 7, at 9.15am.


THE Mayland churches' Christmas services are as follows.

Baptist services (all at St Luke's, Imperial Avenue) - candlelight Carol service starting with refreshments, Saturday December 22, 5pm; family carol service, Sunday December 23, 10.30am; family service, Christmas Day, 10.30am.

Anglican services - carol service, St Luke's, Imperial Avenue, Sunday December 23, 6pm; family service with communion, St Barnabas Church, Monday December 24, 11am; first Communion of Christmas, Steeple Church, Monday December 24, 11.30pm.

You will be made very welcome at all the above services.

All at the Anglican and Baptist churches wish everyone a very happy Christmas and New Year.