Some of the D'Arcy Spices members joined the Tollesbury Silver Threads for their delicious Christmas lunch with lively entertainer Frankie Coulter and his keyboard.

Barbara Faulkner came to the December meeting to talk about Christmas traditions through the ages. Barbara was clad in festive red, though she explained how Father Christmas was originally dressed in green, only changing to red when he was entitled Santa Claus in America.

She described how Christianity had fitted its religious celebrations of the Christian year into the old pagan festival dates such as the Winter Solstice and Eostre.

The Holly and the Ivy carol refers back to an ancient fertility wish and, although those plants are still used as decorations along with the "magical" mistletoe, shinier types of decorations are now more popular.

The Christmas tree arrived with Queen Victoria's husband, Prince Albert, though it now seems a deeply traditional symbol, while the turkey dinner is a comparatively recent tradition.

Such was the festive spirit by this time, everyone joined Barbara in singing The Twelve Days of Christmas before tea and mince pies were served by Marina and helpers.

Finally, there was the Christmas lunch and party when members were joined by many welcome guests to enjoy the wonderful meal. Rodney and Marina had made the tables look beautiful and as always, the meal prepared by Marina, was delicious.

Everyone enjoyed the blackberry and apple pie as a change from the usual Christmas fare and Rodney was congratulated on picking the blackberries so well.

Throughout the afternoon, The Silver Fox provided musical entertainment, our old friends Jack and Brian being joined on this occasion by a saxophonist and the music was better than ever. Carols were sung, all joining in as well as singing along with White Christmas and You Are My Sunshine.

Terry presided over the "giant raffle" with a prize for everyone, which brought another joyful afternoon to a close.


Monday December 24, 11.15pm - Midnight Communion, a candlelit service of Holy Communion with Christmas carols.

Christmas Day, 8.30am - a quiet service of Holy Communion from the Book of Common Prayer (1662).

Happy Christmas!