Sean Brady came to D'Arcy WI in November to give an entertaining talk and demonstration about the making of hand-crafted porcelain jewellery.

Sean explained that for many years, the only clay suitable for porcelain was in China and Japan, until china clay deposits were discovered in Europe.

The material consists of feldspar and gneiss, the particles being saucer shaped and micron-sized, which is very small indeed.

To form small shapes or beads for making into jewellery, a ball of china clay needs to be rolled out into a slab shape which can be cut with minute cutters into many different shapes before being turned into ear rings.

Beads can be made by rolling clay into small balls which can be pierced and used to make necklaces, bracelets or ear rings.

When the clay shapes are coloured and fired at an extremely high temperature, they are not really fragile.

This was all fascinating, but such was the popularity of Sean's products that he had no unsold examples to show to his audience.

Janet Clarke gave a report on the Half-Yearly Council meeting which she attended as a delegate.

Sue Clark reminded members of the 8.35am pick-up for the trip to Norwich on November 24 and mentioned a possible visit to the Mercury Theatre to see South Pacific in the New Year.

The annual WI Carol Service will be hosted by Tollesbury at 7.30pm on Friday December 7. And the D'Arcy Christmas Party will be at 7.30pm on Tuesday, December 4.

The cost will be £3 on the night, subsidised this year from existing funds.

The AGM followed. Treasurer Kathryn Cutmore presented the Financial Report, detailing a successful year money-wise, owing to several generous donations and profits made from stalls at the Fete and Flower Show.

Secretary Sheila Ponder gave the Annual Report, highlighting what a wonderful series of interesting meetings, outings and other activities the WI members have enjoyed.

Pauline Smith and Elsie, as programme secretaries, were congratulated on an excellent selection of speakers.

Sue Clark, as retiring President , who has served for three really successful years, thanked all committee members and other helpers for their work. The WI Adviser then took charge, introduced the committee members willing to serve for the next year and dealt with nominations for a new president.

To everyone's delight, Nancy Seabrook agreed to take on this role, so the WI is set for another year.

Pat Hudson's fuchsia was Flower of the Month and Kathryn Cutmore's turquoise pendant won the competition for a favourite piece of jewellery.


The annual Christmas Fair takes place in the village hall on Sunday December 2 from 2.00 PM until 5.00 PM.

There will be a wide variety of stalls selling all manner of Christmas goodies, plus refreshments and a bumper raffle. To book a stall, to donate a raffle prize or for further information please call Dawn Pitt on 01621 860428.


A special edition Christmas Bingo takes place on Friday December 7 from 7.30pm. in Tolleshunt D'Arcy Village Hall.

All are welcome. For more information please call Dawn Pitt on 01621 860428.