The Mid Essex Magical Society is presenting an evening of Mystery, Magic and Fun in the Village Hall at 8pm on Thursday November 1.

Admission is free. There will be a stage competition followed by a Variety Show. Three judges are needed for the competition.

Please ring Don Simpson on 01268 778642 if you are interested.


The Women's Club Annual Jumble Sale is being held on Saturday November 3, at Danbury Village Hall from 2pm.

Refreshments will be available.

And jumble can either be taken to the hall from 9am or collected by ringing 01245 223464.


The revue is nearly upon us again, on Saturday November 17 at the Village Hall. Doors open at 7.30pm for 8pm.

It is a good evening of local entertainment, and tickets are £5, available from the shop, The Bell or the Queen Vic. Drinks are available in the hall.

For further information ring Andrew on 859809.


The speakers at the meeting last Tuesday, Jenny and Doug Plumb, gave an excellent insight into how to go about exploring facts about our ancestors, whether on websites, in libraries or records offices.

It was so interesting to hear stories about their experiences and relatives they have "dug up" and met.

There will be an extra meeting on Tuesday November 6 at 7.30pm, to pack shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child.

Please bring boxes already covered and any items you think would be acceptable to be packed therein.


A military whist drive was held in the village hall on the penultimate Wednesday of October.

There were four-and-three-quarter tables in play and Mr A C Clark was MC.

The table in first, with 29 flags, was that of Mrs Kath Smith, Ian Bradley and Arthur Clark.

Second equal, each with 23 flags were Ian Harvey, Mrs Joyce Parrott, Mrs Margaret Arrell and Mrs Daphne Allen, with Janet and John Huggins, Mrs Sylvia Brown and Mrs Hilda Enefer.

Winners of other prizes were Catherine Bradley, Sue Vale and Arthur Clark.

At the previous whist drive, on the middle Wednesday of the month, there was a shortage of players, with only two-and-threequarters tables in play, but winning scores were high.

First, with 183, was Mrs Joyce Parrott and second equal with 180 were Miss Rita Ellis and Ian Harvey.

Mr A C Clark was once again MC and the snowball was not won - Mrs Parrott and Mrs Ann Matthams were the winners of the other prizes.