The hard-working management committee of the D'Arcy Horticultural Society usually expect to sustain a small loss after all the figures are added up several weeks after their annual flower show.

This year however, and thanks to a sustained effort by both the committee and their loyal volunteers, the balance sheet is showing a profit of around £200. Undoubtedly the fine weather on July 7 which followed a week of downpours encouraged the crowds to flock through the gates but with more exhibits and classes than ever before it cannot be doubted that the popularity of this blooming village event is going from strength to strength.


An Ordinary meeting of D'Arcy Parish Council took place in the village hall on July 31.

After apologies for absence and the signing of the minutes of the previous meeting and with no matters arising from the minutes, three planning applications were discussed with councillors unanimously resolving to support the applications.

Various items of correspondence were discussed and, in particular, notification that the D'Arcy Spice tree at the side of Maypole House is now the subject of a tree preservation order.

The financial statement was circulated and approved. Councillors agreed to the purchase of a scanner for the use of the parish clerk.

Several instances of vandalism were discussed by councillors. The surgery building had been sprayed with graffiti, subsequently painted out by a civic minded resident.

Children had also been seen on the roof of the surgery and had been caught kicking out supports from beneath the oil tank. The dangers to the perpetrators and the consequences of any pollution were also discussed.

It was reported that a window pane to the side of the village hall had been broken by vandals with repairs costing approximately £90, paid for by the Village Hall Management Committee.

The concrete base for the new youth shelter on the recreation field had also been attacked before it had a chance to dry and had since been re-laid.

Police have been informed of all these instances and had been actively encouraging any such anti-social behaviour to be reported to them immediately.

The meeting resolved to allow the installation of an artificial surface in the village hall back garden on the understanding that the management committee of the D'Arcy preschool accepted responsibility for the installation, costs, maintenance and safety of the surface.

With respect to this and other aspects of the exterior of the village hall, the Village Hall Management Committee will investigate any insurance implications arising. It was reported that the toilet refurbishment and installation of "access for all" facilities had begun and that the internal decoration of the village hall would begin shortly.

Several items relating to hedge and grass maintenance in the village were discussed together with the finding of a wasp's nest at the back of the play area on the recreation ground. The clerk was asked to instruct the relevant contractors or council department to attend.

It was noted that kerb edging removed to allow the erection of a wall fronting a property adjacent to the village hall has not yet been replaced.

It was requested that the Definitive Map of the parish should be returned to the care of the parish council. Subsequently this was achieved and the map can be viewed by applying to the clerk to the Parish Council.


The work of updating the toilet facilities in the village hall has begun with the start of the school summer holidays.

When the work is finished there will be individual cubicles complete with their own wash basins, a parent and infant changing area and "access for all" services.

The work has been financed entirely by grant money from the National Lottery, Essex County Council and Maldon District Council.

The management committee apologises for any inconvenience to hall users during the building work but trusts that everyone concerned will appreciate the new facilities on their completion. It is also hoped that the hall will be redecorated internally before the end of the holidays.